Bahia Terrace&Bar

BAHÍA Terrace&Bar

Hét Vezér Apartmanhotel*** - 2900 Komárom, Táncsics M.u.34.

Online table booking, menu/drink card:





Overview  - from morning to evening

BAHIA Terrace & Bar is a our wintergarden, located in Hét Vezér Apartmanhotel, oriented towards the pool side of the Brigetio Thermalspa.

Sunny, waterfront terrace during the day that transforms into a cozy bar and restaurant for the evening, BAHIA is open all year round. Here you can drink, eat, relax and just enjoy the pool view and the vibe.

BAHIA's drink menu offers a wide selection of premium italian coffee, beers, wine, spirits, topped with well-known long drinks. Our offer is expanding. 

Perfect place for smaller events like celebrations, meetings. Projektor and projektor screen is also available.

Visit BAHIA and enjoy the surrounding and vibe with your loved one's, friends or colleagues.

If only all mornings would start like this....


During long weekends, business trips, meetings, family vacations, sightseeing or romantic holidays, we have more time to enjoy a lovely breakfast. That’s when those, who usually miss the first meal of the day on busy weekdays would also join us at the table instead of picking up a quick coffee on the way.


We offer a wide variety of international and local breakfast specialties in buffet style at the sunny BAHIA wintergarden with view of pools not only for hotel guests.

Buffet-breakfast 7:00-10:00 with table booking!




The coffee experience...


Take a seat at our wintergarden during the day and savour the tranquil surroundings with a cup of delicious and premium Hausbrandt coffee from Italy!

From ristretto to decaffeinated you can choose from a wide range of coffee specialties.



BAHIA menu offer
Our restaurant offers a wide selection of quality drinks and between 12:00-21:00 our kitchen offers a wide of food selection.  Drink bar is open 12:00-22:00. 




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